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Statement from the Northbrook Public Library Executive Director

A Northbrook resident and Library cardholder has reserved a room at Northbrook Public Library on Wednesday, September 18 for a ticketed film screening to be hosted by The Chicagoland Jewish Labor Bund and JVP (Jewish Voice for Peace) Chicago. This is not a Northbrook Public Library-sponsored or -facilitated event.

We have received many emails and calls about this event. We respect and acknowledge that there are members of our community who may disagree with the views of the organizations hosting this screening and/or the views presented in the film.

Northbrook Public Library is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to support intellectual freedom and the free exchange of information and discourse around topics of interest to members of our community. One way that we do this is by allowing Library cardholders to reserve rooms for meetings that are educational, cultural, or civic in nature. Permission to reserve meeting space does not imply the Library’s endorsement of an outside organization or its viewpoints.