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We welcome patrons of all abilities. To request an ADA accommodation, including captioning or American Sign Language services for library programs, please indicate the accommodation when you register for a program online or call 847-272-6224 or email us at at least 72 hours before a scheduled event.

Services for individuals who are unable to visit the library

Home Delivery Service: We offer free delivery and pick-up of library materials to any Northbrook resident with a valid Northbrook Public Library card confined to their residence either temporarily or permanently, due to age, disability, illness, or other mobility issues. This service is open to all ages. Fill out this form to request a delivery.

Books on Wheels Program: We deliver materials to residents of local senior living communities and nursing homes. 

Online Resources: Research databases and downloadable e-books, audiobooks, and magazines are available through the Library’s website. Library materials may be reserved or renewed through our online catalog.

Reference Help: Get phone numbers, stock quotes, doctor info, and answers to other questions. Call Reference at 847-272-4873 or email

Assistive Items: Assistive devices for low vision, hearing, and other challenges are available for checkout in the Library of Things.

Services for individuals who are visually impaired

Large Print Books: Thousands of easy-on-the-eyes books are located in the Fiction & Media Department on the 3rd floor. Find a list of our new large print books here

Large Print Periodicals: Large print editions of Reader's Digest are available at the library in the Reference department on the 2nd floor.

Audiobooks: A wide variety of audiobooks are housed in the Fiction & Media Department on the 3rd floor. We carry compact disc and Playaway audio versions of popular fiction and nonfiction books. You can also check out downloadable eAudiobooks with your library card.

Downloadables: eBooks, eAudiobooks, and digital magazines are available for download with your library card and are customizable for the visually impaired.

Talking Books & Braille Service: The Talking Book and Braille Service (TBBS) provides audio and braille library service via mail or digital download to any Illinois resident who is unable to read standard print material due to a permanent or temporary visual or physical disability. Applications are available at the Fiction & Media desk on the 3rd floor and online at Once certified, you may borrow audiobooks, audiobook equipment, and braille through the mail. There is no fee for this service.

Video Magnifiers: A desktop video magnifier is located in the Reference Department on the 2nd floor. Smaller hand-held magnifiers are available to check out from our Library of Things.

ADA Accessible Computer: A computer terminal with a large key keyboard and assistive software (speech recognition, text narration, and magnifier) is located in the Reference Department on the 2nd floor. 

Assistive Items: Assistive devices for low vision, hearing, and other challenges are available for checkout in the Library of Things

Services for individuals who are deaf or hearing impaired

Closed-Captioned DVDs & Streaming Services: Many DVDs with closed-captioning are available in the Fiction & Media Department on the 3rd floor. In addition, most streaming video content available with your library card or on our circulating Roku Sticks have closed-captioning or subtitles. 

Materials: We carry books, videos, and DVDs on sign language.

Assisted Listening Devices: Devices are available for use in the Pollak Rooms and the Auditorium. Please call 847-272-6224, ext. 215 prior to the event to reserve a device.

Programs (Live and Virtual): We offer captioning and American Sign Language services. Please call 847-272-6224 at least 72 hours before the program to request an accommodation. 

Assistive Items: Assistive devices for low vision, hearing, and other challenges are available for checkout in the Library of Things

Services for individuals with limited mobility

Fully accessible building: The library is fully accessible, with electronic entry doors, elevators, a lift for the Auditorium entrance, accessible seating, wheelchair-accessible restrooms, and accessible parking near the west entrance.

Wheelchair: Located on the 1st floor for use in the library.

Small shopping carts: Located on the 1st floor to use in the library to carry books and other materials as you browse.

Accessible seating for library programming: Please indicate the accommodation request when you register for a program online or call 847-272-7044 or email us at at least 72 hours before a scheduled event.

Self-Service Holds: We offer convenient self-service hold pickup on our 1st floor. Call 847-272-6224, email, or visit our online catalog to request your materials ahead of time and we will notify you when your materials are ready for pick-up.

Full Service Holds Pickup: We can deliver library materials to your vehicle. Please park in one of the designated  Full Service Holds Pickup spaces outside the west entrance and call the phone number on the sign.

Home Delivery Service: We offer delivery and pick up of library materials to any Northbrook resident with a valid Northbrook Public Library card who is confined to their residence either temporarily or permanently, due to age, disability, illness, or other mobility issues. This service is open to all ages. Fill out this form to request a homebound delivery.

3D Printed Assistive Devices:  You can check out one of our assistive devices kits from our Library of Things. Each kit contains 7 tools designed to make basic tasks easier for people with dexterity challenges. The kits are 3D printed in the library's makerspace, the Collaboratory. You can place a hold on a kit or visit the Library of Things collection in our lobby to see if a kit is available. You can also purchase individual items from the kit for a small fee.

Services for people with neurological disabilities and neurodivergence.

Social story: View our social story about visiting the library and the Youth Services department.

Sensory movies: We offer movies with the lights turned up, the sound turned down, and the option to walk, dance, and sing during the movie. 

Assistive Items: Assistive devices for low vision, hearing, and other challenges are available for checkout in the Library of Things

Services for individuals with memory loss

Memory Lane Kits: Our Memory Lane Kits are located on the 3rd floor near the Large Print collection. These kits include books, games, music, and interactive activities that center around a time period or topic. Use the materials to trigger memories, engage in activities, and encourage conversation. 

Assistive Items: Assistive devices for low vision, hearing, and other challenges are available for checkout in the Library of Things