Finals Cafe (Grades 9-12)
Come study for finals at the library! You can study in the Pollak Room or find your favorite study space on our 2nd or 3rd floor. You can also use your library card to reserve a study room in advance.
Feeling hungry? We'll put out brain-boosting snacks in the Pollak Room and we'll also serve pizza at set times.
Join us for pizza in the Pollak Room on:
- Saturday & Sunday (Jan. 11 & 12) at 2:00pm
- Monday & Tuesday (Jan. 13 & 14) at 7:00pm
Need to unwind? Stop by our new relaxation, breathing, and energizing stations on Tuesday, Jan. 14, ending with a yoga flow session from 4:00-5:30pm.
Join our Teen Advisory Board (Grades 6-12)
Our Teen Advisory Board is a great opportunity if you are in grades 6-12 and need more service hours for NHS, are interested in civic engagement and social responsibility, or just love the library and like helping out. We plan teen programs and complete service projects for the community while earning service hours. Our TAB program meets from September to May each year. Attendance at every meeting is NOT required, but we hope you come to as many as you can!
Upcoming Meetings | Meetings this month | Meetings next month
Programs for Teens
Join us for some great programs at the library this month | next month.
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Sign up for our monthly Teen email newsletter to learn about upcoming programs and events for teens. (Make sure to check the "Teen"box).