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Library Trustee Vacancy & Application

The Northbrook Public Library Board of Trustees seeks a candidate to fill a temporary vacancy on the Library Board. The Board is committed to maintaining a diverse Board that reflects the Northbrook community. The selected candidate will serve until the next regular election in Spring 2027.

The Library Board is composed of seven members and Trustees must be residents of incorporated Northbrook. On average, the Trustee position requires a commitment of up to 4-6 hours per month, which includes 1-2 meetings and preparation. Regular meetings of the board are on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm. 

Learn more about how the library board fulfills our mission by reading the Strategic Plan.


We build community, champion intellectual freedom, and provide open access to the world of knowledge in a welcoming, inclusive environment.

Library Trustee Responsibilities

  1. Financial oversight, including reviewing monthly bill lists, budget documents, and other financial documents, reviewing the annual audit, adopting a tax levy and annual budget that meets the financial needs of the Library and/or seek additional funding to ensure the library has sufficient funding.
  2. Hire a qualified library director and provide ongoing evaluation for the director.
  3. Adopt formal policies that govern the library.
  4. Guide the library through a strategic planning process that ensures the library has a strategic plan with an action plan and timeline.
  5. Advocate for the Library in the community and with elected officials.  
  6. Attend and actively participate in board meetings and board committee meetings. 
  7. Get involved in library associations whether local, state, or national. 
  8. Know your community and its library needs; keep current on library standards and trends; and support staff and director in carrying out library services.
  9. Participate in the library’s outreach events.
  10. Know local and state laws and support library legislation in the Illinois and federal governments.

For more information, contact the library at

Please use the online form below to submit your application by Monday, April 7. After all the applications have been received, the board will review applications at the Board meeting on April 17, and schedule interviews on April 21-24 between 6:00pm-8:00pm.

Have you been involved in any community organizations (civic, charitable, school, etc.)?
The Trustee position, in general, may take a commitment of 4-6 hours per month (this includes one or two meetings and preparation for each). Do you think your schedule can accommodate this commitment?
I certify that I am a resident of the Village of Northbrook, a registered voter of the Village, and otherwise meet all the legal qualifications to hold a Library Board Trustee position. I will file a Statement of Economic Interest as required by the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act.