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Vendor Privacy Policies

Please review the privacy statements for individual third-party vendors to decide if you agree to their terms.

Protecting user privacy and confidentiality has long been an integral part of libraries' intellectual freedom mission. Libraries enter into licenses or agreements with third-party vendors to provide library service to users and to meet library operational needs. Third-party vendors provide digital content, including e-books, digital audiobooks, movies, music, online resources, and more.

To provide these services, third-party vendors may collect and use library user data for a variety of reasons, including consumer analytics and segmentation, personalization, digital rights management, and digital collection development. Information may be collected when you register with the third-party vendor, provide feedback and suggestions, request information, or create shared content.

The information that could be collected by third-party vendors may include:

  • Personally identifiable information such as name, email, and social media accounts
  • Non-personally identifiable information, such as your ad views, analytics, browser information, cookie data, date/time of your request, demographic data, hardware/software type, interaction data, server domains, page views, and the web page you visited immediately prior to visiting the site
  • Internet address (IP address), search history, location-based data, and device information
  • Other data as described in the vendor's privacy policy and terms of use