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Library News


Librarian Anna Fillmore at the Northbrook Public Library wants to “turn social isolation on its head” by transforming neighborhood walks into playful adventures with a Community Bear Hunt starting in May. Read on ...


We recently learned that Sarah Brimer, winner of last year’s Winter Reading contest and voracious reader who kept a thorough book spreadsheet (read her story below), had died at age 103 ...


Daniel Cacchione has been a member of a monthly book club that has met for over 40 years. While the club originated with all members residing on the same street, due to divorces, deaths, and moves, they are now spread over a couple of northern suburbs, with most members still residing in Northbrook ...


If you are looking for ways to honor the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22), we recommend the following activities, many of which can be enjoyed by the whole family ...


These days, Linda Wine and Renee Weber can only wave at each other through a window, maintaining a wide, safe distance. 

They’ve been friends for more than 60 years, beginning in grammar school in Chicago. And for the past six years, Linda and Renee had been meeting at a corner near the large print section on the library's third floor ...


We are excited to announce that we have joined the national movement to stop charging overdue fines. If you would like to let us know your thoughts, please email us at


While the library is closed, we recommend learning about all of our remote resources available to library cardholders, but we also wanted to let you know about some of the other reso


When Barbara Levinson reached out to the library for permission yesterday to install a “joyful” balloon display on the library’s fence along Cedar Lane, Executive Director Kate Hall loved the idea. 

Barbara filled me in on how the idea came about early this morning as she was putting the finishing touches on the display, which provide a colorful pop of color against the white fence and overcast skies.


Check out all of our environmental programs and events at the library this March and April.


Each year, we screen approximately 60 films in the library's Auditorium. Some of the most highly anticipated—and widely attended—screenings take place during our annual Critics’ Choice series, which features Oscar-nominated films. But securing the licensing for these films can be challenging, says librarian Margo Hill, who works with movie studios and distributors to acquire the rights to show the films.