Careers, Technology Skills, and Online Tutorials
Receive help with homework, build and sharpen your skills, visit the writing lab or the language lab, obtain assistance filling out your FAFSA application and discover much more. Online help from a Brainfuse-certified tutor is available between the hours of 3pm-11:55pm.
Watch a video tutorial
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Receive help with job seeking activities as well as the unemployment process. Work on your resume, interviewing, skills building and more. Online help from a Brainfuse-certified JobNow Coach is available between the hours of 3pm-11:55pm.
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Improve your basic academic skills and review test preparation materials for high school through graduate level exams, as well as specialized tests such as the ASVAB, GED, TOEFL, and more. Additional resources available for Adult Learners and ESL students.
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Over 200 free skill tutorials for everyday work and life. Explore topics such as computers, software, the internet, social media, languages, and more.
LinkedIn Learning is an industry leader in online career training, with over 23,000 digital courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software, and creative topics.
Learn more through the LinkedIn Learning FAQ
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To log onto the app:
(1) Select Sign in
(2) Select Sign in with your library card
(3) When prompted to Enter your Library ID, type northbrookpubliclibrary (using all lowercase letters and no spaces), then select Continue
(4) Enter your Northbrook Public Library card number and PIN, then select Continue
Access tutorials to become proficient with eBook apps, language learning tools, streaming movies, using research databases, as well as social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Goodreads, X (aka: Twitter), etc.
Access the government's premier source of career guidance.
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