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Careers, Technology Skills, and Online Tutorials

HelpNow offers students expert help: Get live online homework help, skills building, writing assistance, chess tutoring, and more from Brainfuse-certified tutors.

Brainfuse JobNow provides live interactive online help combined with online resources to guide you through the necessary tasks to get a job. In addition, you can connect online with a live online unemployment benefits coach who can help you determine your unemployment eligibility benefits using state and federal guidelines.

Practice tests for ACT, SAT, AP, Civil Service, NCLEX, TOEFL, and more.

LinkedIn Learning (formerly is an industry leader in online training, with digital courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software, and creative topics. Log in with your Northbrook library card number and PIN to access more than 16,000 courses on a wide variety of topics in management, leadership, marketing, social media, and more. 

The LinkedIn Learning app is available for iOS on the App Store Store or for Android devices on Google Play. To log into the app, tap Sign in and then tap Sign in with your library card. When prompted to enter a Library ID, enter northbrookpubliclibrary (using all lowercase letters). Then enter your Northbrook Library card number and PIN and tap Continue.

Tutorials to help become more comfortable using eBooks apps, language learning tools, streaming movies, and research databases as well as social media tutorials for Facebook, Linked-In, Goodreads, Twitter, etc.