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Legal and Government Resources

Quick background checks on individuals and businesses in the State of Illinois.

A comprehensive source for information about Illinois executive, judicial and legislative branches of government.

Access the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State's portal for searching various business entities throughout the state of Illinois.

Access the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation's portal for licensed health, service, and business professionals.

Divorce forms? Letters to landlords about security deposits? Fee waivers? Parenting Plan updates? You've come to the right place. The free Form Library offers Easy Form programs to fill out the forms or download a blank form and use a pen.

Contains full-text publications and reference books; federal, state specific, and multi-state legal forms; legal forms by U.S. state

Voting law tool providing citizens with FREE access to the most comprehensive collection of US voting laws, legislative developments, and news.

More than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. Legal research now available remotely and includes shepards.

Search Chicagoland's seven counties for new homeowners, foreclosure and sales, bankruptcies and new businesses.

You can access information from Public Records while inside the library or remotely from outside of the library