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Helps you find magazine and newspapers in full text. Search by periodical title or broad subject category.

Contains bibliographic citations describing items listed on the table of contents pages of thousands of journals in science, technology, medicine, social science, business, the humanities, and popular culture.

The world's largest digital library of education literature.

Database of databases such as WorldCat, ERIC, ECO MEDLINE, GPO, ArticleFirst, etc.

Access over 2,000 popular full-text magazines and journals covering virtually every subject area.

Find full-text articles in scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, blogs, and websites.

Explore over 44 million U.S. and Canadian businesses and over 150 million residential profiles.  Research businesses by type, size, or location creating marketing plans, business plans and more.

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World-wide catalog of millions of books, multimedia, web resources, and other materials. Use for Interlibrary Loans.

World-wide catalog of millions of books, multimedia, web resources, and other materials.