Access our eResources by entering in your Northbrook Public Library card number (on the back of your card), without spaces. Some resources are only available in the library. Review vendor privacy policies.
FREE open access e-content by independent creators from across the State of Illinois. Explore both fiction and nonfiction titles, local history content, community collections, and much more.
Access the most comprehensive source of Illinois' executive, judicial and legislative branches of government, complete with biographies, articles, images and contact information helpful for Illinois citizens.
Access the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State's portal for searching various business entities throughout the state of Illinois.
Explore unique cultural heritage resources from across Illinois. Examine digital primary sources, which include photographs, manuscripts, books, audio recordings, and videos.
Courtesy of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections help users locate the Illinois newspapers they need. Search the newspaper directory and discover which institutions throughout the state have access to titles in print or on microfilm.
Learn more through the IDNC FAQ
Provides FREE resources to help all Illinois residents plan a better financial future.
Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) has opened opportunities to justice so that people can resolve their problems, especially those with the least access to the legal system. Through innovation and partnership, we make the law actionable and accessible.
Here are some special topics that may be of interest:
> Get Legal Help
> Legal Form Library
Access the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation's portal for licensed health, service, and business professionals.
Helpful forms and publications about state traffic laws and safe driving behaviors, courtesy of the Illinois Secretary of State's office.
Here are publications that may be of interest:
> Illinois Rules of the Road (Non-CDL vehicles)
> Rules of the Road Review Course Workbook
Consumer protection information and assistance courtesy of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General. is a suite of resources that supports local authors with online creation and publishing tools and allows readers to access locally-produced content.
Favorite stories are brought to life with three-dimensional characters and immersive scenes for kids to explore.
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